5 Temmuz 2013 Cuma

Allow these 4 pranks to truly inspire your lust for laughs

The 4 best pranks of the year all happened in June!
Pranking your bro is a rite of passage. In this epic 'gotcha', a bunch of guys decide to turn their buddy's living space into a beautiful wonderland of pink paraphernalia! But don't miss some great ones below, too! Learn how to turn the tables on telemarketers, impress your friends with a Jedi Mind Trick, & the ultimate geeky prank will put a big smile on your face.
Pure Pranking Justice On Telemarketers
'This is not the elevator you're looking for'
The geekiest way to prank unsuspecting passersby

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4 Videos That'll Get You Prepped For This Year's 4th of July!

Our day of celebration (if you're American) is upon us! The 4th of July represents all that is holy to us Americans…cheap beer, BBQing, and MOAR CHEAP BEER! But we also love our dogs, especially during our Independence Day celebration. Please enjoy a very special, 'Dogs vs. Fireworks!'
This is just for YOU, America!
Do you know more about America than these idiots?
How to make your own sparklers

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